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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
KREA labs of india 3
KULCHA'Z taste of amritsar 30
KUNAL a house of sarees 24
L masters of linen +square 25
LA sovereign power of will 12, 35
LA the symbol of quality 16
LAADLI +cartoon of girls 45
LAADLI jewels of desire 14
LADY'S CHOICE +face of lady 32
LAFAYETTE +face of man 34
LAWANGI BIDIS +face of shiv 34
LAYA +cartoons of girls 43
LEGENCY quality of plywoods 19
LEGENDS school of languages 9
LEMON GRASS taste of thai 16
LEO +face of lion 9
LEO +face of lions 16
LEO +faces of lions 24, 25
LILA group of concerns 23, 31
LILAVATI college of busines 41
LILAWATI college of busines 35
LILYS of london 25
LION BRAND +face of lion 19, 30
LIONS L +face of 2 lions 20
LIPDAN BEEDI +face of girl 34
LODHA centre of excellence 44
LOKSATTA +face of woman 41
LOKSEVA +cartoon of man 29
LORD SOCKS +face of man 25
LOTUS world of maths 16
LOTUS world of phonics 16
LOVE TREE +cartoon of chef 25
LUCKY MAN +cartoon of man 30
LULU mall world of happines 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45
M MANSA art of special even 29, 32
M MAREX symbol of trust 25
M MEGA mark of trust +circl 11
M.R.P. house of silver gold 14
MAHARANI +face of girl 3
MAHYCO art of leadership 31
MAKVIN the symbol of trust 19
MALWA college of nursing 41
MAMA ANNA +cartoons of men 43
MANGALAM house of quality 29
MANJARABAD coffees of india 30
MANYCO art of leadership 31
MAOW +cartoon of cat & oval 25
MARG a key of success 9
MARINO PLUS symbol of trust 25
MARTINS +cartoon of chef 29
MASOOM +face of boy & girl 28
MASTER MAXX +cartoon of boy 21
MASTER SHINE +cartoon of bo 21
MASTER SMART +cartoon of bo 21
MASTIII +cartoon of insect 16, 38, 41
MAVANI group of companies 37
MAXIM group of companies 31
MAXWELL range of pumps +arc 7
MAYAR the soul of beauty 5
MAZIC the test of gravity 31
MB SPICES +cartoon of chef 30
MBC +face of cat 30
MBC +face of child 30
MC SOFT +cartoon of boy 3, 5, 16
MDH the real spice of india 30
MEDHA institute of english 41
MEDRC the heart of learning 41
MEE & MUM +cartoon of child 28
MELANA blend of fragrance 3
MENTHODEX ml +face of man 5
MILKY WAY galaxy of icecrea 29, 30
MILMA +face of cow 29
MINAR group of companies 6
MIND ANT +cartoon of ant 9, 35, 41, 42
MINTOO +face of child 3
MISCHIEF +face of cat 25
MISHTI the taste of bengal 30
MITRATA MILK +cartoon of bo 29
MIZUNO the world of sports 25, 28
MIZZIGO +cartoon of bag 8, 16, 18, 21, 24, 39
MMP the taste of real 29
MOD-CLAV +cartoon of bat 9, 28, 41
MOHINI & LOGO device of lad 30
MOK +cartoon of face 25
MOMOKA +face of woman 25
MONEY-PUR land of plenty 16
MONITA +cartoon of boy 30
MOTI RANI +face of woman 34
MOTU FOODS +cartoon of chef 43
MR MILEAGE +cartoon of man 41
MR. BIL +cartoon of man 30
MR. MONDO +cartoon of frog 9
MRA the taste of malabar 30
MUDRA centre of learning 16
MUKTA BIRI +face of man 34
MUNNA +face of child 3
MUNNA BRAND +face of child 29
MUSTRAP +cartoon of mouse 21
N +cartoon of rabbit 29, 30
NAKSH a new ray of life 14
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